Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Homeschooled Kid

I am homeschooled.
Latin and spelling are my favorite subjects.  I want to teach my kids - when I have some -  Latin, spelling and math.
We have a loose homeschool. Mom calls it something else.
  Loose homeschooling is when your parents are not very tight and you don't have to do work at a certain time. I can do it at night so that I can spend my day playing, visiting and doing music. I like spelling because I like writing. I enjoy piano because it is better than sitting in front of the TV everyday and better for my brain.  Anyway, my mom gave away our TV so I can't do that anyway. I study Latin because I think it will help me when I want to learn a different language.
BTW, my mom threw out our math curriculum with the TV.  I don't know why she did that.  I don't miss that math curriculum, though!
For science, me and my brother mix baking powder and water and other ingredients from the kitchen and we see what happens. We like to blow things up.
I like science because it is like a game, you play and see what happens!
Mom says the science experiments are messy but she never stops us, she does make us clean up afterward.  
My brother plays with his friends, farts, does art projects with me, fishes and plays chess all day.

Monday, July 25, 2011

About Me

My photo
I am 8 years old and I like to play with my cat Scooby and my dog Temple. One of my interests is fashion. I love my parents very much and, I love my friends, too. My brother - he is annoying sometimes - he is six years old, but I love him just the same.